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Former Partnership

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Partnership With Farmer

Madhu International Exporters Co. serves as a hub to disseminate knowledge to partner farmers in terms of best technology, best agro input and best practice sharing.

It has benefited the farmers in not only increasing their yield per acre through optimum utilization of resources, reaping richer harvest.

For the post-harvest management, company has invested heavily in setting up a state-of-the-art pack-house with Cold Storage with capacity to ensure that the product is maintained at the right temperature to retain the quality.

The company has invested considerable resources for growing operations via contract farming. Also it occupies hundreds of farmers for its Contract farming of products.

In addition to the 24 x 7 support to the farmers through an extension services team, the company is also committed to social responsibility to benefit the local community.

In order to become our farming partner and grow your business mention your details and we will contact you soon:

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